
Inspiration and Insights
for Your Journey

Empowering you with knowledge and inspiration for a healthier, happier life.
Steps towards mental fitness

Our latest news and articles

Stop using the team depression casually please

The amazing Eloise Ristad in her wonderful book A Soprano on Her Head (1982) says that when a person is ready for change extraordinary things happen.   She is right, but I also think that there is at least one stage missing from her statement. I believe that awareness is a perquisite to being ready and that amazing things, including change,
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Pathways to Healing: Empowering
Your Journey to Wellness

01 Personal Therapy

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth in the realms of your personal life, work, and relationships through individual therapy. Experience the transformative power of one-on-one sessions with a Gestalt Psychotherapist.

02 Couples Therapy

Navigate through relationship challenges, communication issues, and intimacy concerns in a supportive space. Couples therapy, with a Gestalt perspective, invites partnered individuals to address conflicts and find deeper connections.

03 Teletherapy with a Gestalt Touch

Extend the reach of therapy beyond physical boundaries with our virtual clinic, bringing accessibility to all. Our Gestalt Psychotherapists are ready to provide teletherapy via Zoom for individuals and couples.

04 Healing from Trauma EMDR Therapy

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth in the realms of your personal life, work, and relationships through individual therapy. Experience the transformative power of one-on-one sessions with a Gestalt Psychotherapist.

05 Flash Appointment with a Gestalt Touch

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth in the realms of your personal life, work, and relationships through individual therapy. Experience the transformative power of one-on-one sessions with a Gestalt Psychotherapist.

06 Gestalt Coaching

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth in the realms of your personal life, work, and relationships through individual therapy. Experience the transformative power of one-on-one sessions with a Gestalt Psychotherapist.

What Our Clients Says

Hassan, 46
My marriage is so much better...  I feel like I'm able to be a true to myself, to forgive our differences more readily able to look forward to a peaceful & fulfilling future together.  I think that things changed when was able to readily respect and value myself. Thank you for that.
Hassan, 46
My marriage is so much better...  I feel like I'm able to be a true to myself, to forgive our differences more readily able to look forward to a peaceful & fulfilling future together.  I think that things changed when was able to readily respect and value myself. Thank you for that.
Hassan, 46
My marriage is so much better...  I feel like I'm able to be a true to myself, to forgive our differences more readily able to look forward to a peaceful & fulfilling future together.  I think that things changed when was able to readily respect and value myself. Thank you for that.