No one is 100% confident 100% of the time, most of us experience shifts in the way we feel about ourselves, moment by moment. Recently I noticed something new about the ebb and flow of my confidence.
When I say “No’ (nicely), in a timely manner and after getting advice and support in my decision making, if I know I am facing another option or an open door I experience excitement, energy, and enjoyment. However saying “No’ because it’s the right thing to do when there are no other options is scary, I notice sudden sharp drops in self-confidence every time I thought about what I had foregone and what others would think / say about me; my self-confidence recedes in the face of this type of vulnerability and it’s accompany board of loud inner critics.
What matters is not that having a crisis of confidence but rather what happens next. The easiest way to recover is to get out of your head and back into your life right now! Learn to use your mind and body to interrupt and manage your feelings, thoughts, actions and embodied responses (your breath and posture for example).
Real confidence is about understanding your patterns and how to manage your recovery. Based on lived experience and practical tips, tools and talks, the workshop is for anyone who feels their confidence would benefit from learning how to self-support and self-regulation with self-compassion. It’s serious and we promise we will make it fun.