Confidence is YES! NO! or MAYBE

There’s one particular area that has a powerful impact on confidence — the courage and confidence to say YES! NO! or MAYBE at the right time and in the right order. In other words to say what you mean and mean what you say.

It’s a massively rewarding way to live but it does not always feel fantastic . A lot of people find it hard to say NO; many of us say YES when we know we ought to say NO and quite a few of us can’t bring ourselves to say MAYBE because we think it will sound like NO. At these times the confidence and courage express what’s right and true can be accompanied by guilt, worry, and confusion.

This is because being really confident can be counterintuitive to habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and acting that keep us in our familiar (dis) comfort zone. A case in point is the little story about not quite becoming Oprah.

The good news is that on the Real Confidence workshop on 5 October 2015 you will learn how to identify and manage things that undermine your self-confidence; you will be encourage to speak your mind, and, supported to discover what confidence is and is not for you. Join us’¦ the early Bird offer ends 20th September 2015