Today I came face-to-face with living proof that confidence does not depend on your job title, how much you earn or even your status but it does depend on how we are seen and accepted by other people and by ourselves. My teacher today was Lucy, aged 3 and 3/4. She marched up to me and issued an edict – “Look at me! Look at me!’ everyone around her, not just me, looked. She rewarded us with a decidedly peculiar half-forward roll, half topple completed with arms raised, head thrown back and a gappy smile. I loved watching her confidence. She wanted to be seen, to show us her new trick; she expected recognition and reward for her efforts.
Watching Lucy brought home to me how her way of being is the complete opposite of what it feels like when we lose confidence — we don’t want to be seen, we do not want to risk showing anyone our new tricks or best efforts; we are convinced we will never get recognition or reward.
At some point, when we were little, we all had ‘Lucy’ moments and then, too soon for our own good, we learnt that saying ‘Look at me’ attracted something other than delight, admiration, patience and compassion.
The good news is, it’s there, it’s still all there, stored in the memories you hold in your mind and body. Imagine for a moment, getting back in touch with that part of you that feels free enough and safe enough to experience delight in your version of weird forward-roll / topple. Join us on the 1 day real confidence workshop and re-connect with the your self.