Get out of your head into your Real Confidence

A common obstacle to self confidence is worrying about what others think of us.  the drop in confidence begins inside our heads with a thought : What will they think? What will they say? What will they do?

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” Eleanor Roosevelt

These thoughts are like reverse superpowers — they are powerful enough to trigger feelings which turn into behaviors (inc. actions and body postures). When we are in our heads worrying about what others think we literally begin to make ourselves as small and as quiet as possible. This is in order to avoid being vulnerable – what we imagine people might think about us or do to us.

Knowing that Eleanor Roosevelt is right (that most people are really not thinking about you as much as you imagine) is not the same as knowing how to control the link between your confidence and your thoughts.

To find out more about finding and maintaining your Real Confidence get in touch via or call me on 07588 624892.